
How To Overcome Laptop Suddenly Total Can not Turn On

Laptops are specially designed to be easy to carry anywhere, certainly more profitable when compared with desktop computers. Since this device has emerged, it's almost as if he's able to hypnotize a lot of people to override a desktop computer that's hard enough to carry around. It is true, in addition to easy to carry because of its smaller, weight is also lighter.
But you also have to know, that the mobility is high, making this device more quickly damaged. With a variety of shocks, pressure and friction that may occur when carried, will further aggravate the damage to your laptop.

The most common problem happens is the laptop suddenly totally dead and can not be turned on again. If this problem occurs, it would be nice if you try to handle it by yourself, without having to bother someone else.
How to solve the laptop suddenly totally dead can not be turned on

1. Unplug And Reconnect Your Laptop Battery

At an early stage, try to unplug your laptop battery, then plug it in again. Once installed, try to turn on your laptop. Usually just this way the laptop can be revived without any additional process.

2. Turn on the laptop using the charger without battery

If the first step has not succeeded, try to turn on your laptop only with the direct charger, without installing the battery. This method is intended to determine whether the battery is shorted or not. Because, I never get a few cases was the battery that causes the laptop can not be turned on. After revoked, usually the laptop can be turned on if it is true the battery is shorted.

3. Unplug the memory and reinstall it

Next unplug your memory, clean up the memory and reinstall it. Then try to turn on your dead laptop. If there is no response at all, try turning your laptop on with no memory and see what happens. If it beeps long, turn off the laptop and reinstall the memory, then turn the laptop back on. Because, many total death problems occur due to dirty and damaged memory. Therefore try it first. For additional, please read overcome the damaged laptop memory.

4. Replace the processor

Try replacing your laptop's processor with something similar, then do the testing. If your laptop can be turned on, then processor is damaged.

5. Unload and clean the laptop

At this stage it seems a bit more complicated, because it takes a little knowledge about unloading-unpacking. Well, all you have to do is disassemble your laptop, unplug components that can be revoked like hard disk, memory, DVD drive, processor, wifi card and others. After that clean it all up using a brush.

Cleaning your computer and laptop from dust is very important. Because dust that accumulate will surely disrupt the device inside the computer case or laptop itself. So, it's time to clean up.

The next step to do the testing, but do not need to be installed intact yes, just do the test outside the casing only. Then what happen?

If not successful yet, try to turn on the laptop just with the processor and memory only, remove all components such as DVD drive, hard disk, wifi card and others. It is also to see if any of these components are shorted. Because many cases of laptops die completely due to a short circuit in some of these components. So, if installed on the mainboard will cause the laptop can not be turned on.

However, if step by step above has not been successful, can be sure there is damage to the mainboard, either bios is damaged or the mainboard chipset is broken. For this problem you should bring your laptop to a mainboad repair shop.

Ara readers, so my writing about How to solve the laptop suddenly totally dead can not be turned on again. If the above method is incomplete, I'm really happy if you would like to add through the comments below.

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