

The word Computer comes from the Greek word "Computare" which means to reckon or combine together. The word com means combining in mind or mentally, whereas putare means thinking about computation or merging. In English: "To Compute" which means counting.
According to the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology the word computer as the word for "people who count" used in English in 1646. Then in 1897 the word computer as a word for "mechanical calculators". And in general the definition of the computer was once used to define by using or not using tools that perform arithmetic calculations. In World War II, the word computer itself was worn by British and American women workers to calculate the war artist's path using a calculating machine. There is a design of the first calculating machine called an analytical engine designed by Charles Babbage. And there is also a slide rule which is a simple machine tool that can be said as a computer.

The definition of a computer is widely the information processing system or that process information. There are also other understandings about computers used for years, and there are also some words that mean computer. So in the sense there are also such types of mechanical calculators ranging fromabakus and so on, slide rule and all contemporary electronic computers. So Computers can also be defined as "an electronic device or set of electronic devices that work automatically, integrated and coordinated that can perform certain tasks (such as receiving, storing, processing and presenting Data), controlled and controlled by stored instructions or programs In it (machine) ".

According to the above understanding, Computers comprise a set of devices as well as instructions or programs that in reality are mutually inseparable, either between the device (machine) itself and between machines with instructions or programs. They are units that work together and depend on each other. Therefore the computer is also a system.

The above computer definitions already represent some special tools that can only take into account one or have multiple functions. With the correct programming, so that all computers can process any properties (usually limited by different storage capacities and speeds are what distinguishes between modern computers (now) and earlier computers, and guaranteed that the machines we will create can mimic the computing tools on The future, although it takes a long time.

In a sense and the definition of a computer in general is a rather special early tool or a test
Useful to recognize computer. The general sense is one of the requirements that the component of a machine must be the same as the universal Turing machine. The same engine as the universal Turing is a machine that was produced in 1940 which is in the midst of the flurry of developments around the world. And this machine is known as the most complete Turing machine. For more details, see the computer history article.

There are several computers that still use the Von Neumann architecture in 1940 proposed by John von Neumann. There are several definitions of computers with the four main parts archived by Von Neumann, the input and output tools (collectively called I / O), memory, control units and Arithmetic and Logical Units (ALUs). And in 1940 technology on digital computers has changed to become more sophisticated again.
Here's the Definition of Computer According to the views and opinions of the Experts:

According to Donald H. Sanderes, 1985
    Sanderes argues that computers are electronic systems that have the ability to manipulate data quickly and precisely and are designed and organized to automatically receive and store input data, process it, and produce output under the supervision of an instructional program (OS / Operating System) which Stored in the storage (stored program).

According to: Robert H. Blissmer, 1985
    Blissmer argues, a computer is an electronic device that has the ability to perform multiple tasks such as receiving input, processing inputs, storing commands and providing output in the form of information.

According to: Larry Long and Nancy Long
    According to Larry and Nancy, computers are electronic calculators that can interpre- cate and execute program commands in the form of inputs, outputs, calculations, and other logical operations.

According to: Elias M. Awad
    Awad said, the computer is a calculator tool that can process data to be presented in the form of digital data and analog data.

According to: William M. Fuori
    Fauri argues, the computer is a data processing tool that can perform large calculations quickly, including arithmetic and logical operations, without human intervention.

According to: Williams, Sawyer
    Meanwhile, according to Williams and Sawyer, the computer is a programmable multipurpose machine, which receives data (facts and graphics) and processes or manipulates it into information we can use

Thus the definition and definition of computers both etymologically and computer understanding according to experts who have an understanding that is not much different. Each opinion is expressed in their book and published in a different year because of that definition and its definition is also in accordance with the development of the era where the experts are located. May be useful. thanks.

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